The story of God's love for humanity: highlights from Genesis to Revelation. In the 4th century AD, Bible translations and commentaries were written by men who had a strong prejudice against women. This podcast shares Bible passages and commentary drawn from sources that predate the latter part of the 4th century AD. We hope you will be encouraged! For additional resources, feel free to visit awakedeborah.com.

Friday Mar 02, 2018
Genesis Chapter 12:10-20: Abram's Fear and Deception
Friday Mar 02, 2018
Friday Mar 02, 2018
In this episode, we read Genesis 12:10-20 from the Common English Bible. We read about Abram's fear that Pharaoh will kill him and take his wife, on account of her beauty. We also examine an unhealthy culture in some churches that holds women responsible for the sexual sins of men.

Friday Feb 23, 2018
Friday Feb 23, 2018
In this episode, we read Genesis 12:1-9 in the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. We learn about God's promise to bless Abram and his descendants. In the New Testament, John the Baptist, Jesus and the apostle Paul explain what it means to be "children of Abraham." Their message did not agree with the prejudiced views of the religious leaders of the day.

Saturday Feb 17, 2018
Genesis Chapter 11: The Tower of Babel, God's Response to Human Pride
Saturday Feb 17, 2018
Saturday Feb 17, 2018
In this episode, we read Genesis chapter 11 from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. This translation uses gender-accurate language in this passage. The story of the Tower of Babel highlights how God responds to human arrogance. It also demonstrates that we cannot reach heaven by our own efforts. The blessing of God is a gift that cannot be earned; it is something that can only be humbly received through faith.

Saturday Feb 10, 2018
Genesis Chapter 10: The Descendants of Noah, and the Curse on Canaan
Saturday Feb 10, 2018
Saturday Feb 10, 2018
In this episode, we read portions of Genesis chapter 10 from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. We highlight how racist commentaries of this passage have been used to rationalize the injustice of slavery. We also highlight how commentaries have used similar arguments to justify the subjugation of women. By looking carefully at this passage, we demonstrate that Genesis chapter 10 does not condone either racism or slavery. God loves every human being equally and impartially, and followers of Jesus Christ are called to do the same.

Saturday Feb 03, 2018
Genesis Chapter 9:18-29: The Sins of Ham and Canaan
Saturday Feb 03, 2018
Saturday Feb 03, 2018
In this podcast episode, we read Genesis 9:18-29 from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. We identify and correct a racist interpretation of this passage that has historically been used to justify slavery. We then explore God's response to the sins of Ham and the people of Canaan.

Saturday Jan 27, 2018
Saturday Jan 27, 2018
In this podcast episode, we read the story of the flood from an English translation of the Bible that is gender-accurate in these specific passages. We learn that God sent a great flood to cover all the earth, when He saw that human beings had become bent on violence and murder. In His mercy, God provided a means of escape for one righteous man and his family. After the flood, God made a pledge not to ever again cover all the earth with water. He also established a law that human beings may not take the life of another innocent person, because all of us--male and female--are made in God's image, and are members of the same human family.

Saturday Jan 20, 2018
Genesis Chapter 6, Verses 5-22: God Warns Noah to Prepare for the Coming Flood
Saturday Jan 20, 2018
Saturday Jan 20, 2018
In this episode, we read Genesis chapter 6, verses 5-22 from an English translation that uses gender-accurate language. This passage tells us of God's response to deliberate and continuous violence. It also tells us of God's plan to save Noah and his family from the injustice of that age, and God's judgment against it.

Saturday Jan 13, 2018
Genesis Chapter 6, Verses 1-4: The State of Humanity Immediately Prior to the Flood
Saturday Jan 13, 2018
Saturday Jan 13, 2018
In this podcast episode, we correct a patriarchal misuse of Genesis chapter 6, verses 1-4. St. Augustine used this passage to claim that women equal sin, and must therefore be ruled by men. In reality, the passage focuses on the sins of fallen angels, and their influence on humankind.

Saturday Jan 06, 2018
Genesis Chapter 5: God Names Humanity, and Enoch's Faith is Pleasing to God
Saturday Jan 06, 2018
Saturday Jan 06, 2018
In this episode we read portions of Genesis chapter 5 from the New English Translation of the Bible. We learn that God created both male and female in His image, and gave them the name "adam," which is properly translated into English as "humankind." We also read about a remarkable man named Enoch, who was taken up to heaven without seeing death.

Saturday Dec 30, 2017
Genesis Chapter 4: The Influence of Sin on Human Relationships
Saturday Dec 30, 2017
Saturday Dec 30, 2017
In this episode, we read Genesis chapter 4 from the New International Version of the Bible. This passage highlights the influence of sin on human relationships. We find examples of rivalry, jealousy, murder, deception, polygamy and a cycle of revenge. God warns human beings to say "no" to sin, so that we do not experience negative natural consequences. Sadly, one verse in this passage has been mistranslated and misused to once again rationalize the male subjugation of women. That verse is Genesis 4:7. We examine the oldest available manuscript evidence related to this verse, so that patriarchal bias in translation and commentary can be removed.